Proportional Technologies, Inc. (PTI) was founded in 1991 by Jeffrey L. Lacy, Ph.D. with the goal of developing radiation detectors for end-user and commercial applications. PTI has since established itself as a leader in the field of neutron detection for security and basic research applications in response to growing concerns over dwindling 3He supplies. Worldwide stockpiles of 3He, a key component in detectors that represent the gold standard for neutron detection, have become nearly depleted in recent decades because of increasing nuclear security and counter-terrorism concerns. In response to the decreasing availability and high cost of 3He detectors, PTI has made significant advances in the development and manufacture of boron-coated straws (BCS) for neutron detection. For more information on how BCS neutron detectors work, click here.
To support its manufacturing goals, PTI moved in January of 2023 to a new location just south of Houston in Angleton Texas. The new facility has proven to be an outstanding asset, having been designed to handle all of PTI’s vertical manufacturing capability. PTI’s unique approach to detector manufacturing has also seen the development of new automation stations that provide seamless hand-off between processes, improving manufacturing capacity by a factor of 10 in less than a year. PTI continues to implement new plans and strategies for increasing manufacturing capability through government-funded R&D efforts such as SBIR grants and government contracts.